2013, Number 1
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VacciMonitor 2013; 22 (1)
Characterization of capsular polysaccharide immunogenic conjugates from Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 14
Chang J, Serrano Y, Garrido R, Pedroso J, Cardoso F, García D, González D, Herrera Y, Santana D, Valdés Y, Fernández V, Vérez V
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 15-21
PDF size: 244.83 Kb.
Conjugate vaccines consisting of bacterial polysaccharides linked through a covalent bond to a carrier protein
have a major impact on childhood immunization schemes which have dramatically decrease the incidence of bacterial infections. In the case of
Streptococcus pneumoniae more than 90 serotypes have been reported, based on the structure of the polysaccharide capsules and at least 23 of them have demonstrated clinical importance. A limited number of 7 or more recently 10 and 13 are included in licensed conjugate vaccines. On the other hand, the
increasing need for these vaccines worldwide requires the incorporation of new manufacturers who are facing
highly complex technology since the entire conjugation process can not affect the structural features for which the
polysaccharide is immunologically recognized. Our paper provides a conjugation procedure for the capsular
polysaccharide of
Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 14. The process includes fragmentation, peryodic oxidation
and subsequent conjugation to tetanus toxoid or diphtheria toxoid to the polysaccharide, each intermediate was
characterized by physico-chemical methods. Yields higher than 50% were obtained in all reactions. The conjugates
generated high titers of IgG specific antibodies and immunological memory. In conclusion, the procedure allows
immunogenic conjugates of serotype 14.
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