2014, Number 1
An approximation of cardiac dimensions in the human embryo at Carnegie stage 22
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 70-74
PDF size: 314.87 Kb.
Introduction: Cardiac prenatal growth has been a topic of research, and it has allowed establishing the normal curve of fetal heart volume.Objective: To obtain, in a novel way in our country, the volume of the embryonic heart at Carnegie stage 22, at week 8 of development.
Method: Two human embryos from this stage were studied at the embryo gallery of the Faculty of Medicine of Villa Clara. The two specimens were processed by paraffin technique, their cuts were digitized and the heart areas were measured in all serial sections of the heart. To calculate the volume, the thickness of the cut was multiplied by the sum of partial areas.
Results: Volumes of 6.137 mm3 and 6.004 mm3 were obtained in both specimens.
Conclusions: The results provide a scientific approximation of the actual dimensions of the heart at this stage of development.
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13.Vila Bormey MA, Suri Santos Y, Santana Machado A, Anoceto Armiñada E, Alfonso Águila B. ¿Puede la longitud cráneo-raquis predecir el tamaño cardíaco en embriones humanos? Medisur [Internet]. 2012 [citado 2013 May 7];10(6):[aprox. 6 p.]. Disponible en: http://medisur.sld.cu/index.php/medisur/article/vi ew/2176
14.Martínez Lima MN, Silverio Ruiz L, Vila Bormey MA, Santana Machado A, Bermúdez Alemán R. Estudio morfométrico hepático en embrión humano del estadío 20 de Carnegie. Morfovirtual 2012: Primer Congreso Virtual de Ciencias Morfológicas; Nov 2012. La Habana: CENCOMED; 2012. Disponible en: http://www.morfovirtual2012.sld.cu/index.php/mo rfovirtual/2012/paper/view/182/305