2015, Number 4
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Rev Med MD 2015; 6.7 (4)
The tools of a family physician
Román-López CA, Angulo-Valenzuela RA, Figueroa-Hernández G, Hernández-Godínez MÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 294-299
PDF size: 161.24 Kb.
Family medicine is a social practice installed on primary healthcare conditioned by structural rules and norms in
sanitary institutions and are part of social structures as well. In this level, pre-established actions are performed and
shaped for the first contact of integral healthcare, based on the biomedical model executed more or less uniform in
medical units of primary attention. The family physician frequently uses basic tools that allows him to identify
promptly behaviors, actions and symptoms to guide into a primary or secondary pathology and, most of all, to the
improvement of the patient and their family's environment for their benefit. The family medical specialty has achieved
a world success since its beginnings in the 70's and has contributed to the maintenance of the balance among general
physicians and specialists, essential in order to reach a good, complete, ordered and economic medical attention. The
objective of this review is to make known the multiple family physicians' workings, as well as identifying the diverse
validated tools belonging to this medical specialty which face new challenges day by day.
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