2019, Number 4
Ricardo Jorge Oropesa: protagonist of the beginnings of medical education in the central region
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 172-190
PDF size: 158.34 Kb.
Background: June 18, 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dr.C. Ricardo Jorge Oropesa, a leading figure in the foundation and development of medical teaching in the central region of Cuba, and the consolidation of the comprehensive approach to public health in Nicaragua during the Sandinista revolution.Objective: to identify the most relevant aspects related to medical teaching in the scientific, pedagogical and revolutionary work of MD. Jorge Oropesa.
Methods: an extensive documentary review was developed in the personal archives of MD. Oropesa, at Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences and at “Marta Abreu” Central University of Las Villas. Key informants were Interviewed on the aspects investigated, complementing these methods and techniques with others of theoretical nature. Finally, sources were contrasted to obtain the results that are reported.
Results: Jorge Oropesa's relationship and contributions to this important process have only been highlighted, and not comprehensively, by EDUMECENTRO magazine. The study describes relevant aspects in this man's edifying work that make him a personality of national and Latin American connotation.
Conclusions: medical education in the central region of Cuba and at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua has the scientific-pedagogical legacy of Ph D. Ricardo Jorge Oropesa.
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