2020, Number 1
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Acta de Otorrinolaringología CCC 2020; 48 (1)
The analysis of polysomnographic variables and their relation with severity of obstructive sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome
Vega-Osorio PA, Orozco-Porras LD, Castro-Bonilla NL, Patiño-Ríos VH, Camacho PA
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 69-77
PDF size: 217.74 Kb.
Introduction: The obstructive sleep apnea/Hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) generates
obstruction of the upper air way and the gold standard for its diagnosis is the polysomnography.
Objective: To clarify the relation between the polysomnographic
variables and the severity of the condition in order to have more objective elements
to help choose the best management and medical follow up.
Design: Cross-Sectional,
analytical and observational study.
Methodology: The polysomnographic
variables of 575 patients were analyzed using STATA
® VE 15.0 software. The relation
between the variables and their severity were evaluated using the Kruskall
Wallis Test.
Results: The prevalence of the (OSAHS) in the cohort was 73.04 %, to
longer MADs lowest SaO2 data, the media of Ct90 in healthy patients was 2.55 %.
The media MAD for patients with moderate and severe OSA was 21 seconds. The
REM IAH, Ct90 and maximum duration of apnea had a strong relation with the IAH.
Conclusions: The arousals, the Ct90, the lowest SaO2, the MAD and the maximum
cardiac frequency are crucially related to the severity of the condition. The WASO,
the minimum duration of the apneas, the vigil before sleep and the minimum cardiac
frequency are not related. The apneas with the longest duration, above 18.5 seconds,
are significantly associated with the worst numbers of oxygenation. The number of
arousals is strongly linked to the severity of the disease being the most severe related
to the data associated with the worst oxygenation.
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