2010, Number 591
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Rev Med Cos Cen 2010; 67 (591)
Fístulas de tubo digestivo manejo médico y quirúrgico
Sánchez AM, Solís CP
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 5-9
PDF size: 313.58 Kb.
Fistulas are defined as a comunication betwen a revested structure by epitelium to the exterior. In most cases is caused by surgery and the mortality rate has been reduced due to the integral treatment with antibiotics, nutrition, octreotide and surgery.
In this publicaction we reviwed the files with the diagnosis of fistula in the Calderon Guardia Hospital between the years 2001 and 2005 to compare the management and results with the world actual conduct. 214 files were reviwed but only 87 were able to study. Of the results we have 59,6% are male, and 40,4 female, with and average age of 53,8 years in both sex. The most frecuent site for fistulas were small bowel followed by bile tree and colon. The 77% of cases were of low output and 89,7% postoperative, only 36,8% made localization studies. Almost all of the upper fistulas were treated medically with good results and the fistulas of colon 60% surgically, although the 39,4% with medical treatment of colon gave good results.
As a conclusion we can state that fistulas are a frecuent surgery complication, The oportune diagnosis and to stablish a management work plan since the begining will give good evolution and will diminish the morbility and mortality of this problem.
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