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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2014; 6 (2)
Language: Spanish
References: 55
Page: 115-134
PDF size: 184.07 Kb.
Prosocial behaviors have been defined as actions primarily intended
to benefit others (Eisenberg
et al., 2006). Sharing and donating
resources, comforting others, volunteering for charitable
activities, and helping needy ones are typical forms of prosocial
behaviors and most parents around the world desire their youth
to exhibit such behaviors. According to socialization theorists
(Bandura, 1986; Hoffman, 2002), parents play an important role
in promoting and fostering prosocial behaviors in their children
and adolescents. To study the relationship between parenting
and individual level variables (e.g., prosocial moral reasoning,
empathy, self-control) could substantially further our understanding
of prosocial development (Carlo, Mestre, Samper, Tur,
& Armenta, 2010a; Tur-Porcar, Mestre, Samper, & Malonda, 2012;
Wahl & Metzner, 2012). Prosocial behavior, cognitive and emotional
variables, facilitate the interaction and social adaptation.
Recent researches about victimization in school settings have
focused on the cognitive and emotional processes such as
regulatory and control mechanisms of aggressive behavior
and peer victimization (Anderson & Hunter, 2012). Strategies to
address and solve problems, empathy, social skills, emotional
intelligence and self-control in interaction with peers are considered
strengths or weaknesses for good social adaptation and
appropriate social relationships with school mates (Petrides, Frederickson,
& Furnham, 2004). Previous research found a negative
relationship between bullying and empathy, especially with its
cognitive component (perspective taking). Understanding the
emotions of others seems to inhibit the expression of antisocial
behavior (Gini, Albiero, Benelli, & Altoé, 2007). Empathy can
also play an important role in the experiences of victimization,
because an empathic orientation to others provide quality in
relationships and can promote social adjustment (Malti, Perren,
& Buchmann, 2010; Kokkinos & Kipritsi, 2012). The aims of this
study are (1) to study the influence of parental variables (mother
and father parenting styles) and adolescent variables both personal
and specific to the school environment (i.e., empathy, selfcontrol,
attachment, victimization, and school performance) in
predicting prosocial behavior by sex and age; and (2) to study
the increase in the explained variance of each of the variables
included in the model. The results will be discussed according
to gender and age differences.
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